2022 TEAM STUDENT PROJECT | Game prototype | Concept art, game design, programming.

A chainsmoking insurance agent wakes up in a dark tunnel with nothing but his lighter, and a strange hole on his neck that lights up when he coughs to light the way. Explore these caverns for a way out while you avoid hideous beasts that don't seem to like you very much.

Concept art

Main character and enemies designed with body horror themes in mind. The enemy designs were inspired by works from Junji Ito, Silent Hill, and Yume Nikki. The main character's design was based on my teachers that semester.Made in Procreate.

Initial mock-up

Made in BlenderClick the image to view the full video.


Engine: UnityClick on the image for the full video.

2023 TEAM STUDENT PROJECT | Game prototype | Concept art, programming.

As a were-mouse, you feel an intense drive to run to the top of a mountain and howl to them moon. However, there are many obstacles along the way, vampire snakes haunt this forest at night, and your voracious instincts are no help either. Get to the top of the mountain before the night ends, or your hunger ends you.

Concept art

The idea was to design cutesy animals that don't make you feel all to well when you eat them, even if your stomach would beg to differ.As for enemies, I took inspiration on the real life mouse the Omichomi is based on, the grasshopper mouse, who's natural enemy is snakes. (Not predator! But rather competition.) We also decided to make them vampires to play into the "rivalry" werewolves and vampires are usually placed in.


Engine: UnityClick on the image for the full video.



Manage your flower shop business and your very busy life as Bell! Balancing a business, your personal life, recent terrible news, and a strange gooey creature haunting your apartment can take a great toll on your mental health. You don't have the time to lose your grip on reality, so why don't you sit back and smell the flowers you grow?

Concept art

First prototype

ENGINE: Godot 3.2
The game was originally thought as a cutesy pixel art game, focusing more on giving a relaxing experience with an emotional story.
As my first attempt at programming, the organization was very messy and when updating Godot to version 4.0 it ended up riddled with bugs thanks to updates to the programming language's functions.Unfortunately no gameplay of the version containing all the new art assets was recorded.

Current prototype

Click on the image for the full video.ENGINE: UnityCurrently the game is being reworked in a 3D setting. After experimenting with multiple art mediums in college, I've decided to make the aesthetics of this game fit more with the psychological aspects of the story. The point isn't to make it dark, but somewhat surreal and unsettling as the story develops.As of now the core programming is done, with the current focus being the dialogue and art of this version.

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.